
No one told me that...

Life would be absolutely off the wall crazy when your once calm and loving little boy turns into a twister that never stops. I am getting so nervous as my due date approaches because I feel like I am unable to control just the one I have now. I love Addison with everything that is in me but quite honestly he is driving me bonkers right now! From the moment he wakes until his head hits the pillow at night my world is turned upside down with a craze of busyness. My only rest in this chaos is that thankfully he still takes an afternoon nap - most days. He is not listening to instruction, starting to throw things when he doesn't get his way, pushes other kids (not hard but enough to embarrass me) and opens every cabinet and drawer he can find and empties it's contents on the floor. aghh.....
I'm not sure if this post is a cry for help or just a rant, but if anyone has been here with an atypical toddler I could use some advice.

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